Spiritual Coaching

Exploring the depths of your inner life.

Are you ready to rise?

As we forget about our limited false nature, we begin to remember our true divine nature. The mind is like a radio it attunes to whatever we tune into. To heal spiritually and to elevate yourself means to attune your mind to your true divine nature, your higher self or the one pure divine consciousness. From a perspective of higher consciousness, we come to see life, with all of our experiences and challenges from a place of deeper meaning, connectivity and expanded truth. 

Are you ready to let go of the past, open your heart and mind, expand your consciousness, be here now in the present moment and rise?

How to Book

Soulful Living Lifestyle Program

Explore the depths of your inner life.

In this 8-week immersion, you will learn to live from your intuitive Soul nature rather than the familiar programming of your conditioned mind.

This process of elevation will empower you to become the master of your reality and to discover the depths, and powers of Divine consciousness within yourself.

We work together to remove blocked and descending thought energy patterns, open your mind and heart, and create a new, more liberated you. The program is based on the philosophical teachings and practices of the four paths of Yoga.

Doing the inner work opens the doorway for superconscious understanding, solutions, and an awakening of your highest potential, Soulful Awakening is a program for Spiritual Mastery.

Soulful Awakening incorporates meditation, affirmation, breathing techniques, visualisation and other introspective tools to create lasting lifestyle changes, growth and total wellness. 

These 8-weekly sessions facilitate soul growth, a wellness lifestyle, higher consciousness and expanded states of awareness.

Are you ready to rise?

Let's chat and explore what's possible

Learn More

1: 1 Spiritual Coaching Private Session

Spiritual coaching can help you to become more mindful of your conditioned thought patterns so that you can transcend them and let them go.

Letting go of unconscious programs helps you to stay in the moment, where divine inspiration flows, instead of focusing on painful stories of the past or fearful uncertainties of the future. 

In the present moment, you naturally experience a sense of inner peace and from here through your inner guidance, find clarity and true solutions for any of life's challenges that you are experiencing. 

A spiritual coaching session incorporates a healing dialogue and other introspective tools to create a space for transformation, growth and clarity. 

Your higher consciousness can guide you through any challenge in life with intuitive wisdom, creative solutions and true purpose.

Spiritual coaching guides you toward your own intuitive expansion and inner wisdom.

Single Session -1 hr & 15 min $165

Book a Private Session

Private Sessions Can Help With: 

  • Shifting from lack or poverty consciousness into a connection with the source of unlimited prosperity.
  • Dissolving wounds of the past that continue to cause pain and dis-ease in the present.
  • Releasing old energies that are descending you toward darker states such as depression, addictions, confusion, anger, frustration, anxiety, attachment and fear.​
  • Eliminating self-doubt and other habitual mental patterns that hold you back from your true purpose and causeless JOY.
  • Finding clarity and peace with ANY life situation or concern.
  • Processing grief, loss of a loved one, human or animal friend.
  • Letting go and surrendering to the divine flow of life, embracing change.
  • Cultivating a lifestyle, spiritual practice and sadhana that you love.
  • Transcending your limited personal mind and embracing your expanded, creative and intuitive higher mind.

Book a Free Initial Consultation 

Explore the possibilities for your healing journey and meditation practice in this free 15-minute initial consultation.

Schedule a Call

The Inner Life Experience

  • Meditation and lifestyle techniques to create your own daily meditation practice or deepen your existing practice.

  • Developing a daily sadhana (spiritual) practice to elevate your being, attune you with higher consciousness and embrace true fulfilment, connection and JOY in your life.

  • Techniques to connect with your inner calm, intuitive flow and higher consciousness.​

  • Processes to open your mind, calm your heart and embody your inner power.

  • An elevation of consciousness, greater awareness of energy and deeper realities.

  • Inner peace and a detached state of witness consciousness, self-awareness and deeper self-inquiry.

  • Finding your joy in the Divine flow of creation, and living from a place of intuitive guidance and dynamic surrender.

  • Realising your innate gifts, creative talents and your unique part in the Divine play of life.

  • Embrace the difficult lessons in life, recognise karmic patterns, unlearned lessons and maintain high thinking during these challenging times.