Soulful Awakening

An 8-week guided journey toward mastering your inner world—mind, thoughts, feelings and emotions, cultivating calm intuitive wisdom, and awakening to the realisation of your divine nature.

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You are a divine being, and Soulful Awakening allows that inherent divinity to manifest in your life

This training is a unique and deeply transformative experience. It’s not just about understanding spirituality—by acquiring more knowledge and techniques, it’s about embodying it and allowing it to flow freely through every part of your life. It’s a chance to awaken to your true divine nature, live in alignment with your soul’s purpose, and experience a deeper sense of fulfilment and joy.  

Explore the power of your inner life.

Learn how to master your inner world—your mind, thoughts, emotions, and energies—to feel more aware, calm, and aligned with your purpose. We all have an inner calling and a higher way of being. This training is designed to help you listen to that call, journey deeper into your true nature, and become an instrument of your unique divine way of being.


Higher Self-awareness: Spirituality becomes a true priority when we realise that living solely for sensory pleasures or material gain is like trying to fill an endless void. While these things may offer momentary satisfaction, they cannot provide the lasting fulfilment or the deep truth that your soul longs for. To truly appreciate this truth and transform knowledge into wisdom, we must cultivate and refine our intuitive perception.

Coming to your 'inner' intuitive senses: This realisation can unfold gradually, through a series of setbacks, disappointments, or even fulfilled desires that ultimately leave you feeling empty and confused. Or, it can come in an instant—like a sudden flash of light. This moment of awareness is a blessing from your Higher Self, gently reminding you:

"I am here. I have always been with you. I am the guiding voice of your intuition. I am the eternal bliss and freedom you seek. Go within and realise 'I' as the real you—free from delusion and conditioned material entanglements. In this realisation, you will know your true soul nature."

Divine Bliss: In this awakening, we come to realise that the lasting fulfilment we inherently seek can only be found within. It is the Source of all true happiness. No external circumstance can offer the profound, unshakable peace that arises when we align with the deepest truth of who we are.

As we turn inward, we begin to uncover the eternal source of soulful bliss, already present and waiting to be realized. This journey is not about rejecting the outer world, but about discovering the boundless bliss and well-being that reside within—a bliss that transcends all external conditions and circumstances, allowing us to live in this world from a place of inner expansion.



Wisdom of the Sages

Jenni's teachings are deeply rooted in the timeless wisdom of Yoga Philosophy, Vedanta, and the powerful insights of her guru Paramhansa Yogananda. This journey is for those who are on the path of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and awakening to their higher Self. It’s about moving beyond ignorance and illusion and embracing a deeper awareness of who you truly are at the soul level.

Ideal for those seeking:

  • Self Realisation - Awaken to their spiritual truth
  • Expansion - Transcend the ego and self-limiting thought patterns
  • Liberation - Embark on a journey of deep transformation and inner freedom

The course experience is designed to help you shift from the reality of duality to the expansion of unity consciousness, creating lasting alignment with your soul’s deepest essence and divine wellbeing.



Join Jenni in the Soulful Awakening journey


Soulful Awakening is for you if you...

  • Are ready to transcend the limitations of ego-consciousness and move beyond the constraints of the small self.
  • Desire to know, live, and experience more of your true, infinite nature beyond the mind and body.
  • Want to understand the profound relationship between mind and consciousness, ego and soul, and to experience the oneness with the ultimate reality (Brahman).
  • Are seeking liberation from the inner demons, self-limiting concepts, and lower-mind thought patterns that hold you back from living a life centred in your Higher Soul Nature.

It is particularly for those who are ready to let go of the conditioned patterns of the past, and the pain of separateness, seek liberation from the cycle of suffering and live in prescence. It is a path that involves deep self-inquiry, self-discipline, and a profound transformation of one’s perception.





This mentorship program is a practical and experiential one-to-one training program that is a guided journey toward the inner workings of Self-realisation and inner divine communion.

 Medicine for your Mind and Heart 

Nature, both within and without, is always reflecting to us the power of authenticity and being who we are. As a divine mirror, she is trying to direct us home, home to our inner peace and boundless loving Self. 

Through the wisdom and practices shared, you are invited to embrace the whispers of your soul and listen to the sacred rhythms that vibrate within. Discover the richness of your inner world and awaken to your true divine nature. Embrace the transformative power of self-awareness and embark on a path toward a more enriched and meaningful existence. 

What's Inside the Soulful Awakening Program

Week 1- Self Inquiry -Look Inside

The journey begins with cultivating self-awareness and knowledge of your true nature. We look into where you are now, and where you would like to be. We pave the path of clarity, creativity, inspiration and liberation moving forward. 

Week 2 - Journey Deeper 

Connecting with your inner truth. Mind, intuition and meditation. By learning to find a sense of peace and stillness within we lay the foundation for understanding the layers of mind and consciousness, and explore the nature of what may lie beyond.

Week 3 - Awakening Soul Wisdom

Through the release of judgements, insecurities and conditioned habit patterns, you strengthen your connection to your intuition allowing love to shine through and the divine to lead the way.

Week 4 - Raising Your Vibrations

Recognising and witnessing the shadow self as it emerges allows you to lean back and let go. This creates space for more inner peace allowing the loving vibrations to flow in attunment with your inner wisdom and unique creative expression. 

Week 5 - Power is in Letting Go

Knowing your true nature and coming to understand the profound relationship between mind and consciousness, and how to nurture the powerful gift of free will on this journey of growth and evolution.

Week 6 -Embracing Higher Consciousness

When your mind is right and open, your spirit can flow and you create harmony from within yourself, your relationships and with Nature herself. Here we explore the moment-to-moment ongoing nature of self-awareness and spiritual awakening.

Week 7 - Integration and Cultivating Your Divine Mind

Your inner conversation and thoughts create your life experience. Here we cultivate your relationship with your higher Self so that you are now guided from a place of insight, clarity and truth.

Week 8 - The Soul Illuminated

Finding unconditional joy within the divine play, celebrating love, oneness and unity consciousness. Here we embrace the ongoing nature of self-awareness and self-healing and how to be your best self within the nature of life and all of its ebb and flows.

Every Week

Make meditation and trusting your inner guidance a way of life. You will receive personalised guidance and spiritual coaching, that includes meditation and pranayama techniques, as well as take-home lifestyle practices to integrate into your daily life. 

Apply now to get started

The 8-week Personal Coaching Journey includes:


  • 8 Private Live Coaching Calls:
    The course is thoughtfully structured to deliver powerful insights each week, providing you with actionable wisdom that you can easily integrate and apply in your life.
  • Guided Meditation Practices: Each session will include personalised meditation guidance, with downloadable resources to support your practice throughout the week. These meditative tools are designed to deepen your experience and facilitate inner transformation.
  • A Comprehensive Workbook: This workbook serves as your guide through the entire program. Each week, it systematically covers the content and practices you’ll be introduced to, helping you stay on track and engaged.

  • Structured Practices and Processes for Integration: Every section of the course and workbook is carefully crafted to deepen your understanding of the insights you receive, encouraging integration into your daily life. This ensures that what you learn deepens beyond understanding and into true wisdom.

  • Practical Tools for Transformation: From exercises and reflection prompts to supplementary materials, the training is designed to empower you to apply your newfound insights in real-world situations. This makes the journey not only insightful but actionable, fostering meaningful growth and lasting change.


This private one-on-one mentorship includes 8 x live coaching calls, individualized attention and direct experience. 

You can expect to experience...


Increased Self-Awareness:
Gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your emotions, thoughts, and motivations through guided meditation, self-reflection exercises, and transformative practices.

Healthier Emotional Well-Being:
There is power in letting go. By synchronizing your heart’s deeper wisdom with vibrational attunement, you will reconnect with your true peaceful and joyful nature, build resilience, and cultivate a positive, healthy and pure mindscape.

Enhanced Spiritual Connection:
This course facilitates spiritual growth, fostering a stronger connection with your Higher Power and naturally deepening your spiritual path.

Deeper Knowing of Your True Self:
Dance to the rhythm of your soul. Discover freedom and peace within. Awaken to the richness of your inner world and embrace your true divine nature.

Clarity of Purpose:
Gain profound insights into your spiritual well-being and life purpose. Develop clear goals that guide you toward a deeper sense of creative direction and true happiness.

Deeper Connection with Nature:
Through increased self-awareness and heightened intuitive perception, you’ll come to understand the divine nature in all life. This leads to a harmonious and fulfilling relationship, and kinship with the natural world.

Presence and Being in the Now:
Shift your awareness beyond the noise of your mind, the distractions of physical senses, and the pull of past conditioning. Move into the stillness that is eternally present deep within you.


The practices shared invite you to…

      • Quiet your beautiful mind and listen to the voice of your soul, your innate intuition.

      •  Attune to the vibrations of your intrinsic nature, the unlimited powers of your Higher Self, love compassion and eternal wisdom.

      •  Lean back into witness consciousness to know, love and accept all parts of yourself.

      • Experience the lasting transformation that will allow you to cultivate and embrace a life with deep purpose and inner harmony.
      • Cleanse your inner channel so to become an instrument for the divine.

True awakening happens when you look within.

It is in the quiet still moments of self-reflection that you come to realise the vastness of your inner wisdom. The answers, the peace, and the freedom you seek are not found outside, but within—waiting to be discovered, embraced, and lived. By turning inward, you align with your true essence and awaken to the divine presence that has always been within you.

Furthermore, you will learn how to… 

      • Find Harmony and Synchronization between your mind and heart, creating inner balance and alignment.
      • Experience Love as the natural expression of your true essence, allowing it to flow effortlessly in all aspects of your life.
      • Reconnect with the Dance of Your Inner Divine, tapping into the rhythm of your soul and living with grace and purpose.
      • Deepen Your Connection with yourself, others, and the natural world, fostering harmony in all relationships.
      • Harness Your Unique Gifts to serve your highest potential and benefit both yourself and others around you.
      • Align Your Energy Centres and move energy inward and upward, cultivating vitality and spiritual growth.
      • Awaken and Honour Your Inner Knowing, trusting your soul’s divine guidance system to lead you with clarity and confidence.
      • Shift Your Identity with peace and power, embracing your true nature and aligning with your highest self.

Soulful Awakening

Master Your Thoughts, Mind, and Inner World
Transform your shadows into light and experience the freedom to express your liberated, creative self.

This practical and experiential one-on-one training program is a guided journey into spiritual realization and divine communion, helping you deepen your connection with your inner truth.

The program consists of eight private coaching sessions, each accompanied by a comprehensive workbook, private classes, guided practices, and direct coaching to support you at every step of your transformation.

8-Week Training Course

$ 1,180.00 AUD

The Program Tuition includes:

  • 8 x weekly live coaching calls
  • Personalised guided exercises
  • Comprehensive workbook
  • Personal feedback and practices
  • Lifetime access to all course materials.
Apply now to get started

What Clients are Saying

Sandy Sam Barnett 

"Thank you, Jenni, for holding space for me in the most amazing capacity. 

You helped me delete some past negative feelings and programming that I didn’t realise was there frequently manifesting as bad habits. They would creep up from my subconscious, and you brought this out through some intuitive questions. 

You were very exact in how you got the information you needed to help me process and release these old patterns and create new choices that work for me, not against me. "

Debbie Chu

This beautiful course offered by Jenni Madison invited me, for me, just what it says, soulful awakening.

Jenni's deeply knowledgeable teaching is well-structured and clear. The resources provided are generous extensive and supportive. But more than that is Jenni herself. In every session, Jenni is so fully and sincerely present. She listens and talks with great care and heart. Jenni's interest and kindness never wavered, even if my propensity to talk took us over time.

Soulful Awakening was not a course that insisted on a singular path. Rather, Jenni provides illumination on the shared core wisdom of different spiritual traditions. Her approach allowed my own particular way towards soulful awakening to emerge. She gently encouraged my understanding and helped me grow a sweeter clarity through insightful discussion and meditative practice. Jenni also offered a number of simple spiritual practices that I found really helpful. Studying this course with Jenni was like sharing a walk with a good and wise friend. 

Thank you Jenni


Lou Van Stone 

"This process with Jenni was extremely powerful.  Jenni helped me to heal on a multi-dimensional level. She gave me tools I have now brought into my daily life to enhance the process.

I had some huge light-bulb moments and profound realisations during our time together. I feel lighter, more aware and can now move forward with confidence and clarity. 

I have done many years of emotional/explorational work and already knew what my issues and triggers are. This took me to a much deeper level of realisation. I highly recommend Jenni and her work."

Sheridan Catt 

"Thank you so much Jenni for your guidance in working with me to understand where I live with flow and where in my life I had blocks.

This has helped me enormously, as I wasn't aware of these blocks and I simply didn't have this awareness until now.

Your guidance has provided me with the tools to work with for now and forever. Your work is truth and love." 

Jenni Madison

Jenni lives in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland with her husband, and animal family, surrounded by farm animals, forests, and wildlife. Her work focuses on cultivating inner calm, higher awareness, and an intuitive connection with the natural world, and the divine through meditation and yogic practices. A seasoned entrepreneur and dedicated explorer of consciousness, she specialises in self-healing, nature connection, inner mastery and transformation.

Jenni is a Certified Ananda Meditation Teacher, Prem Yoga (RH 200) and Spiritual Counsellor certified by standards set forth by the International Yoga Alliance via the globally well-established Prem Yoga, and Ananda School of Yoga and Meditation. Jenni has trained under the guidance of Swami Mukundananda, and his team of Prem Yoga at the Radha Krishna temple of Dallas, and Swami Kriyananda, a direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, and the Nayaswami order of Ananda Worldwide. Jenni's teachings blend the deep philosophical wisdom of Vedanta, and the practical application of this wisdom through introspection, meditation and kriya yoga, the scientific method of meditation mentioned in Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda.

Jenni is trained in living in harmony with both the body and Nature and also holds certifications in interspecies communication through AnimalTalk Africa and AnimalSpirit. Her practical experience includes time spent in America, Thailand, and the heartlands of India, Botswana, and South Africa.

As the founder of fair-trade organic food company Coconut Magic [2010 -2021] and the online training platforms Lion Heart Workshops, and most recently The Divine Way, Jenni continues to offer her services in meditation, spiritual guidance, and wellness practices.

Through her work, Jenni creates a safe space for others to explore their own inner landscapes, offering guidance, wisdom, and practices that support lasting change.