11 Ways to Improve Your Intuition Apr 05, 2022

Intuition is your connection to power and higher wisdom. It can offer you insights that your logical or linear mind cannot. Intuition is also your source of creativity. Your intuition is already sending you messages daily. To develop intuition, it is best to increase your receptive ability,...

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The Spirit of Play Sep 03, 2021

A return to innocence...

A smile on your face, a sparkle in your eye, and a bounce in your step are just some of the possible symptoms you might experience when engaging what comes most naturally to children and animals while still in their age of innocence, play.

What is so natural to a child...

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The Language of Animals & Nature May 21, 2019

Animals communicate in the universal language of telepathy. Telepathy is the transference of thought from one being to another, one mind to another, without the use of words. It is the language of energy. The literal translation of the word telepathy is 'tele' - distance and 'pathy' feeling. It...

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Meditation for Developing Intuition May 20, 2019

Intuition is, knowing something without thinking about it beforehand. It is that guiding “inner voice” which always knows the truth and what is best for you, in all situations.

Intuition shows up in many ways, sometimes in dreams, direct knowing, flashes of mental imagery, positive...

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Meditation and Your Brain May 19, 2019

The brain is a rather complex organ that performs critical tasks to support our survival, mental health, emotional stability, cognitive function, memory, and central nervous system communications. Its optimal performance can dramatically improve your quality of life on many levels.

Meditation and...

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