Meditation for Developing Intuition May 20, 2019

Intuition is, knowing something without thinking about it beforehand. It is that guiding “inner voice” which always knows the truth and what is best for you, in all situations.

Intuition shows up in many ways, sometimes in dreams, direct knowing, flashes of mental imagery, positive...

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Meditation and Your Brain May 19, 2019

The brain is a rather complex organ that performs critical tasks to support our survival, mental health, emotional stability, cognitive function, memory, and central nervous system communications. Its optimal performance can dramatically improve your quality of life on many levels.

Meditation and...

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10 Plants To Detox Your Home May 19, 2019

Plants add warmth, colour, presence and vibrancy to any space. Their stillness can help you to feel more heart-centred which can also positively affect your creative and mental performance.

Shamanic tradition reveres the physical, spiritual and emotional relations between the plant kingdom and...

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Water Fasting – How to Get Started May 19, 2019

So you’ve been thinking about doing a water fast but not sure how or when to get started?

For whatever reason you may have, if you clicked on to read this article, or searched for some water fasting information, maybe this deep, regenerative, restorative, purification process is actually...

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Brain Food to Supercharge your Focus, Memory and Good Mood May 19, 2019

Having a healthy brain, equates to having a healthy life. Making food choices that nourish this vital organ can help attain feelings of happiness, mental clarity, focus, concentration, increased learning and productivity, both physically and mentally.

It’s hard to imagine that a few simple...

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Top 10 Simple Foods You can Start Growing Today May 17, 2019

Growing your own food is easier than you might think. It is also more rewarding and nutritious than you can ever imagine.

It’s fun to participate in such a natural and beautiful co-creative process with Nature. It is also empowering because you are the one in charge of the quality of...

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