Grounded in Spirituality Jul 15, 2024

Grounded spirituality illumines the path of dharma

Staying grounded is not just a trendy way of practising spirituality, or about walking barefoot on the earth, even though this is most definitely very helpful and healthful. It is an essential part of our spiritual growth, mental sanity and...

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The Power of a Tranquil Mind Apr 25, 2024

The Power of a Tranquil Mind

Finding inner tranquillity, the true bliss of your peaceful nature that is intrinsic to your inner essence, and in harmony with life, takes a little practice.

At first glance, your mind might say, what? Inner peace, with the voice in my head and its constant...

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Clear Your Mind and Deepen Your Meditation Practice Apr 22, 2024

Deepen Your Meditation Practice

Improving and deepening your meditation practice is not just about what you do during the time that you set aside to meditate. It is also about how you live your life.

Throughout your daily activities and interactions, the mind can either be scattered and...

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10 Simple Daily Habits to Develop Intuition Feb 28, 2024

Exercise Your Intuitive Muscles

Intuition is like a muscle, when used often it becomes stronger and when neglected it weakens. It is commonly known as a sixth sense or a feeling, hence the well-known term your ‘gut feeling’.

Intuition is your connection to your inner power, a higher...

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The Power of Calm Feb 27, 2024

Cultivating Inner Calm for Harmony, Connection and Resilience

Have you noticed how much easier it is to navigate through life's challenges when you are feeling calm?

Truly, no matter how stormy the emotional waters might be, staying grounded, and calming the heart's feelings is not only...

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What is the Language of Animals? Feb 26, 2024

What is the Language of Animals?
Animals communicate in the universal language of telepathy, which is the language of energy. Telepathy is a transference of thoughts from one being to another without speech. We use our intuition to receive the incoming information and so once the energy is...

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The Difference Between Spirit and Soul Feb 07, 2024

The concepts of "spirit" and "soul" are often used interchangeably, and their meanings can vary depending on cultural, religious, and philosophical perspectives. While some thought systems consider them synonymous, others draw distinctions between the two. Here, I'll provide a general...

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The Eternal Light Beyond Your Shadow Nature Feb 06, 2024

Shadow Transformation

When times are challenging and feelings are painful, all I want to do is 'get out of here' or 'getaway' from it all. Sometimes my darkness can be so debilitating that I fear I am ruining this precious gift that I have been given, this gift of life. It is in these...

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Life Lessons Within the Dance of Predator & Prey Feb 06, 2024

The Inner Life

The intricate dance of predator and prey in the animal kingdom offers a profound reflection on the ebb and flow of the inner life of humans.

Have you ever seen a cheetah chasing its prey? This is quite an intensely focused situation. When a cheetah spots its prey, it stalks...

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Bridging Worlds: The Great Spirit in Native American Cultures Feb 06, 2024

The existence of the Great Spirit is deeply rooted in many Native American cultures, and it represents a central aspect of their spiritual customs and way of life. It's important to note that Native American cultures are diverse, comprising numerous tribes, each with its unique...

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Radiate Positivity & Develop a Dynamic Persona Jan 21, 2024

Developing dynamic magnetism involves cultivating an engaging and charismatic presence that naturally draws people towards you. It's a combination of confidence, authenticity, and positive energy. Here are some strategies to help you develop the good vibrations of dynamic magnetism:

  1. Confidence...

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Observing Your Natural Breath for Calmness and Stillness Jan 19, 2024

Guided Practice: Observing Your Natural Breath for Calmness and Stillness

In the quest for inner peaceful introspection, meditation and mindfulness, observing your natural breathing rhythm can serve as a powerful gateway to finding calm and inner stillness. By becoming the objective...

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Wisdom Coiled: Unveiling Spiritual Lessons from the Serpent Jan 16, 2024

In various spiritual traditions, serpents are often symbolically significant creatures, carrying profound lessons and insights for those willing to seek the deeper wisdom they embody. Beyond their physical form, the snake, often associated with transformation, transmutation and regeneration,...

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Bridging the Divide Jan 15, 2024

Communicating with Beloved Animals in the Spirit Realm

The loss of a cherished animal companion can be a deeply emotional and challenging experience. For many, the desire to maintain a connection with a beloved pet doesn't end with their physical departure. This article explores the...

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A Glimpse into the Spirit of Nature Jan 12, 2024

Unveiling the Mysteries of Animal Communication

The intricate web of communication woven among animals and the natural world transcends the boundaries of conventional understanding, offering a profound glimpse into the mysterious realm of the natural world. Beyond the observable gestures and...

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Boundless Connection With The Natural World Dec 20, 2023

Boundless Connection - Free eBook

There is a beautiful greeting often used in the world of yoga - Namaste - which means "the divine in me salutes the divine in you."

This one-word summarises the truth and essence of our interconnectedness with all life. 

Trees, birds, cats, spiders, the...

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Developing Your Higher Mind Nov 29, 2023

The Power of Intuition

From the moment that we are born, we are gifted with two powerful forces of knowledge. The first is the power of human logic and reason, and the second is the power of intuition. 

The power of human reason is accompanied by its satellite of sensory perceptions and is...

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Ego or Intuition? Nov 07, 2023

How do I know if it is my ego or intuition?

What the ego really cares about is its survival. It cares about separating itself from the other. It is a false concept that we have made up about ourselves from early childhood.

The human ego serves a purpose for us, and that purpose is to...

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