Is Intuitive Animal Communication For You? Nov 06, 2023

Intuitive Animal Communication

For some of us, the idea of communicating with animals and the natural world is a part of normal everyday living. For others, it is a little out there, an intangible reality that can only be known by a few gifted intuitives or empaths.

The truth is that this is a...

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Beyond Anxiety Now - Let Go and Be Present Sep 12, 2023

It is natural to feel fear and anxiety when there is a lion or a venomous snake right before you snarling and giving you death snares. We have an inbuilt self-preservation system, an instinct to protect this precious gift that flows within us, the gift of Life. Therefore in such a...

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My Journey and Lessons of the Inner Life Sep 05, 2023

My work and journey as an entrepreneur used to involve finding products that would benefit myself and others. Amongst several other business adventures, I  founded a company, called Coconut Magic, based on my personal experience of the coconut product. This was a successful time, a...

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Look Within and Illuminate Yourself with Guided Meditation Mar 22, 2023

I recently enjoyed a weekend of seclusion. A time of silence, introspection and sacred practices. A fast from the outer world of regular activity, work projects, socials and relationships. A time to commune with Nature.

I wanted to share this important lesson with you. Something...

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Clear your Channel with Divine Introspection Mar 22, 2023

Introspection can be a challenging time as it can bring to the surface inner realities that are difficult to face. However, it is deeply rewarding as it can allow us to change, by letting go of those darker feelings and move on to a happier, more positive, connected, expansive and...

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How Regular Meditation Can Benefit Your Brain Mar 21, 2023

Healthy habits take time to form, but if you stick to them they can pay off with enormous benefits!

I first learned to meditate at a very young age. During the sessions, I felt a greater sense of calm and serenity, but it wasn’t until later in my life, when I persevered and made it into a...
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Improve Concentration Mar 07, 2023

Are you struggling to meditate because you feel your mind is too restless? Or is it difficult for you to sit down and commit to a practice of being still, quiet and present to your inner Self for some moments? Relax about this as it is not uncommon in today's modern world of...

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Magnetism Made Simple Feb 22, 2023

Magnetism is when you allow something greater than your small or limited self to flow through you.

That something greater is divine and it energizes your inner world through high vibrational thoughts and feelings, frequencies that are attuned to your higher or true spiritual nature. This deeper...

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Why People Don't Meditate Feb 01, 2023

Most people already know the benefits of meditation, you may have even experienced them for yourself, when you meditated.

The peace, inner stillness, clarity, calm, spontaneous feelings of joy and feeling attuned to nature, might reflect a few pleasant experiences or memories. 

So why did...

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The Power is Inside You Feb 01, 2023

It is the conversation that you are having with yourself, inside of yourself that determines whether you will feel happy and calm, or stressed and disturbed.

No matter what is happening around you right now, or what has happened in the past, you are always free to choose how to respond.


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The Yogi's Morning Coffee - Bhastrika Pranayama Jan 09, 2023

The Yogi's morning cup of coffee is a pranayama (energy control) practice called Bhastrika breathing. The practice brings energy to the body and the mind in a healthful and clarifying way, leaving no residue of toxicity or side effects, so it is a natural alternative to the stimulating and...

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Become Electric and Magnetic Jan 02, 2023

Often when we think of goal setting or planning, we look to the outside. However, anything made manifest in all of creation first begins with a thought frequency, followed by energy vibration or wave particles and then, finally, matter. So it is wise to bring our attention to the inner landscape...

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What is Healing? Nov 01, 2022

Healing is such a buzzword in the wellness industry, and rightly so. It reflects our ability to move away from the mundane, away from stress, pain and ignorance toward higher awareness, purpose and meaningful goals in life. 

Healing is also a multi-dimensional experience. Just as we are...

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Anti-inflammatory Smoothie Recipe Oct 20, 2022

This smoothie is highly medicinal and delicious! It is the best anti-inflammatory drink recipe I have ever known, it works wonders and is delicious too.

We need to consume anti-inflammatory foods to support our immune system which is always working hard to fight off viruses, chemicals and...

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Doing the Inner Work Sep 16, 2022

Have you ever accomplished a wonderful goal only to find that the satisfaction is short-lived and you begin to feel empty or lost again? Have you ever thought that you had discovered the ultimate dream - a job, a person, a product that was going to make your life well and happy, only to...

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Meditation is Medicine for Your Mind and Soul Sep 13, 2022

This world has become quite a fast-paced environment. Our minds are subject to many distractions, constantly on the go and looking for the next piece of information or external entertainment. This way of life can not only end in feelings of unfulfillment it can also be damaging to our...

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What Role Does Meditation Play in Life? Sep 08, 2022

There is a huge buzz about meditation and many people swear by it. And yet some people think that sitting and doing nothing is a waste of time. So many of us need to learn how to be still. When the mind is jumping hoops and peeling bananas like a monkey in a circus, so much valuable...

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Cultivate Mental & Spiritual Power to Feel More Alive Sep 06, 2022

Some people might think that "feeling more alive" means jumping off the walls and screaming arms up in the air with enthusiasm. Yes, we want to feel joy and enthusiasm, however, true and lasting aliveness comes from a place deep within our soul, the eternal aspect of our true nature. From here...

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